The doctrine of the heavenlies


            1. The heavenlies is the sphere of divine blessing, including supergrace blessings, because it is the place of strategical victory in the angelic conflict. Christ seated at the right hand of the Father is the strategical victory — Ephesians 1:3.

            2. The heavenlies is the sphere of Christ’s victory in the angelic conflict and therefore the key to the Church’s position — Ephesians 1:20.

            3. “In the heavenlies” is the sphere of the believer’s current position in Christ, making it possible for supergrace blessing to be a part of the tactical victory in our lives — Ephesians 2:6.

            4. “In the heavenlies” is also the sphere of angelic activity — Ephesians 3:10. This is why elect angels are rejoicing and are observing very closely our activities.

            5. It is also the sphere of the angelic conflict in the Church Age — Ephesians 6:12.